Over 75% people who died due to Covid-19 in India were over 60 years old

By Saket Suman
Over 75 per cent of the total 488 people who have lost their life due to Covid-19 in India were above 60 years of age. This shows that elderly people are at higher risk due to Covid-19 and must be given extra care.
Another important factor that has emerged from the analysis of the Covid-19 related data shows that 83 per cent of the people who have lost their life in India so far also had some other medical problems.
In other words eight out of the 10 people who have lost their life due to Covid-19 were under medication for some other disease.
This brings to the fore the issue highlighted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address to the nation on 14th April when he urged citizens to “take special care of the elderly, especially those who have chronic disease.”
Total confirmed cases of Covid patients in India reached 14,378. Out of this 3.3 per cent or 488 have lost their lives. As many as 1992 persons i.e. is 13.82 per cent of total cases have been cured/discharged after recovery, data released by the government showed.
Here is the age wise analysis of the death due to Covid-19
- 14.4% of people are 0-45 years age group
- 10.3% 45 -60 years age group
- 33.1% 60-75 years age group
- 42.2% are from 75 years and above age group
- 83% of cases had co-morbidities
It is of some relief to note that spread of novel coronavirus has been contained in a large part of the country. No fresh case has been reported in 47 districts of 23 states/UTs in the last 28 days. Further, there is no fresh case in 22 districts in the last 14 days. Such districts are spread over 12 states. This indicates that the measures taken by the authorities and the citizens themselves are yielding positive results.
(Saket Suman, a technology geek, is Director, BiharConnect)