IMA calls for complete national lockdown to break the Covid chain

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has called for a complete, well-planned preannounced national lockdown to break the chain of the devastating spread of Covid-19. In a strongly worded letter to the Union Ministry of Health the IMA asked the government to “wake up from slumber” and mitigate the growing challenges.
“In the last 20 days, IMA has been insisting on the need for complete, well-planned pre-announced national lockdown, rather than few states declaring complete lockdown ranking from 10 days to 15 days so as to getting breathing time for the healthcare infrastructure to recoup and replenish both the material and manpower,” IMA, a national voluntary organisation of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine in India, said in a statement.
“The Lockdown will break the chain of devastating spread,” it said.
Several state governments including Bihar, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu has announced lockdown due to the growing cases of Coronavirus patients. Nitish Kumar-led Bihar government announced 10-day lockdown from May 5 to May 15.
Bihar unit of IMA had also suggested for the complete lockdown. In the letter IMA alleged that suggestions of its members and other colleagues are “put in to the dustbin” and that decisions regarding the pandemic are taken without understanding ground realities.
The IMA said its demand for equitable, accessible and affordable vaccination for all above 18 years were not met. The delay in vaccination has aggravated the crisis. The IMA also questioned the differential pricing of vaccines.